Wednesday, December 20, 2006

HP laptop Pavilion dv6110 poor power connector and battery life

I have this HP laptop now about a month and overall pleased with it but recently the power connector seems to have a life of its own. I'm sitting away and get this pop-up indicating that AC has been plugged out an running on battery. Nope. Still connected. 
Look again and now its back on. Wiggle in my seat and can make it go on/off/on/off. Pushing in the connection (into laptop where  it lights up a small led blue ring) makes it connect again. 
Sometimes I need 2 plug it out and back in again. PITA.

The main bug-bear is the lack of battery life. I get <= 2.5 hrs. They 'claim' (now I need 2 go find where that claim is - maybe on the sales box) 3-3.5 hrs. Found this from previous chat
"previous HP chat : Samson   A normal 6 cell Li-Ion battery lasts 3.5 to 4 hours"

I contacted HP (via Live 'chat') a few times and spent a lot of time going back n forth "troubleshooting" until finally they indicated "its as designed" and 2.5 hrs is pretty good. I can get the 3-3.5hrs IF I boot into DOS (and not the default operating system that comes with it) and turn off WiFi and ensure all USB devices are off. THEN I should get the claimed battery usage! What a load of marlarkey. So I gotta move back 2 the dark ages and do all my "computer usage and productivity" in DOS! Wow!

Hp Pavilion dv6010us indicates no mention of expected battery usage. Safe -huh!

zdnet review on dv6000 indicates
"When it comes to battery life, the Pavilion dv6000's 2 hour, 35 minute battery life is somewhat disappointing; we'd hoped for at least 3 hours."

Plenty of other negative comments regd battery life at.

HP supplied links

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At May 20, 2007 at 8:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lally,

I have come across with the issue of the power connection being loose. have you ever resolved this issue with HP? please let me know,


At June 7, 2007 at 12:19 AM , Blogger The Lal said...

Ok the latest (while camping) -- it lasted just over the hour. That was 97% battery at start and closed down nearly all application (Thunderbird, Opera, ZoneAlarm, AVG, Skype etc..) and only had open Notepad.

Turned off when at 16% as complaining.

What a crock!


At January 16, 2013 at 11:22 AM , Anonymous Play game laptop said...

I need help with my crappy laptop! It is always freezing when i open IE and going to MSN? What do you think?

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